DieKnow 2.0.1

Bypass of DyKnow, the monitoring software used on school devices to monitor the hell out of them. Use responsibly.

DieKnow will significantly improve the performance of your laptop by a large amount on your CPU. It will use up to 3% CPU, higher than optimal but still much lower than DyKnow's 15%.

For ease of use, a beta GUI application is located in gui.pyw, powered by the Windows win32 API.

Compilation instructions can be found here.

More Information
About this:
  • This DOES NOT need administrator privileges, just a Python installation, which is often found in the Software Center.
  • It's very compact (just around 600 lines).
  • DOES NOT need a C++ compiler.
  • DOES NOT need to run an executable or a batch file, which is usually blocked by the school via Windows AppLocker.
  • DOES NOT have any external dependencies.

What can DyKnow do:
  • Monitor your device screen (including when you press «Show password» when typing a password)
  • Monitor your search history
  • Monitor what apps you've been on
  • Lock your device
  • Track your device's location
  • Make your computer really, really slow
  • Track your keystrokes
  • Make your computer useless

When it is running, you'll see the DyKnow icon disappear from your taskbar.


Homepage | What's New
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: FreeWare
Size: 4,92 MB.
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