GiliSoft Exe Lock 10.9.0
Most applications don’t come with user restrictions and this becomes a security flaw when two or more people are using the same computer (There are some applications on my computer that I don't want people to use, and I can't put a password on Windows due to certain reasons.). Password protecting the executable files is just another way you can heightened security in a shared environment.
What I need is a software that works like AppLock on Android or something, which is basically asking you for password every time you open it. Is such an application available? GiliSoft Exe Lock can lock any programs on your local computer, a person can not run the password locked programs without a password. For example, if you do don't want other persons to use your tax preparation software, personal finance or other programs you like, you simply need to run this application.

What I need is a software that works like AppLock on Android or something, which is basically asking you for password every time you open it. Is such an application available? GiliSoft Exe Lock can lock any programs on your local computer, a person can not run the password locked programs without a password. For example, if you do don't want other persons to use your tax preparation software, personal finance or other programs you like, you simply need to run this application.
- Password Protect Any Software & EXE File
- Stop Viruses that Modify Your Software
- Does Not Make Any Changes to EXE
- Lock With Secure Cryptographic Algorithms
- Eay to Use & Support Command Line
Key Features
Password Protect Any Software & EXE File
Stop Viruses that Modify Your Software
Does Not Make Any Changes to EXE
Lock With Secure Cryptographic Algorithms
Password protect your web browsers
Lock media players like WMP, RealPlayer, KMPlayer, etc.
Lock various chatting tools
Eay to Use & Support Command Line
- Lock executable programs on your computer to password-protect any executable file from non-authorized execution. You can block running the senstive software when anyone runs the locked programs.
Stop Viruses that Modify Your Software
- Software Trojans, viruses, spyware, and other malware can not only damage or destroy your computer data but is also capable of modifying the binary file of software. Do not worry after lock them.
Does Not Make Any Changes to EXE
- GiliSoft EXE Lock offers the password protection for executable programs but it will not change the source binary file. So no chance to destroy the source file or cause incompatibility.
Lock With Secure Cryptographic Algorithms
- When user clicks on icon or shortcut on Desktop, he will be asked for a password to access that app. After user supplies password and app launches, or no password/wrong password, no app.
Password protect your web browsers
- No need to study «How to Password Protect Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome Browsers» Use GiliSoft EXE Lock to lock them is the easiest solution.
Lock media players like WMP, RealPlayer, KMPlayer, etc.
- The vast majority of parents love their children and want the best for them, parents can use EXE Lock to lock the video player on home computers.
Lock various chatting tools
- Use this light weight tool to protect your privacy and keep people out of your identity theft or fraud by some chat tools.
Eay to Use & Support Command Line
- You can run GiliSoft Exe Lock with commamd line arguments to lock or unlock programs.

OS: Windows 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Keygen by RadiXX11 / Keygen & Patch by RLTS (DC 24.08.2023)
Size: 0,70 / 4,11 MB.
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Reasons for raising the release:
New version of Keygen
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