Windows 10 Tutorials: 120 of the most popular functions

You’ll learn 120 of the most common features and functions of this hugely popular (and powerful) operating system. The vivid, color, step-by-step screenshots make it easy for you to follow along in this 350 page illustrated guide. What’s more, you’ll learn how to protect your privacy, stay secure and learn lots of quick little ‘shortcuts’ you can use to navigate efficiently through Windows 10 – helping you to get more done, quickly.

  • Discover how to adjust your screen resolution to make it easier to see what you’re working on, using the new SmartScreen settings
  • Browse the web while staying protected from malware and spam using the all-new Microsoft Edge browser
  • Access Microsoft’s cutting-edge virtual assistant, Cortana, to help you do everything from make a to-do list, to find reviews on that new restaurant that opened up, to letting you know what the weather will be this week.

Format: PDF
Language: ENG
Medicine: Activated
Size: 118,95 MB.

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