Special Uninstaller | Portable

Special Uninstaller is the most intelligent all-in-one program uninstaller for Windows-based operating systems.

Powered by highly engineered detection algorithm and powerful uninstall engine, it can effectively and thoroughly uninstall any program that the standard Windows Add/Remove Programs can't remove, remove all the leftover files and registry entries, and fix the program install/uninstall errors if anything found.

Features and Benefits
Completely remove any software installedEasily and Fully uninstall the unwanted program the standard Windows Add/Remove applet can't.100% guaranteed program uninstallIn case Special Uninstaller failed to fix the program uninstall problems, our lab technicians would provide custom fix to resolve your program uninstall requests.Specify and uninstall hidden programsOption to replace standard Add/Remove program that can easily find the incomplete installations and remove remnants of programs.Safely clean out the registry leftoversThe force uninstaller wizard has the ability to analysed and detected the leftover registry entries of programs that are already uninstalled. This powerful feature allows you to remove the hidden leftovers and uninstall remnants of programs!..Time savingSpecial Uninstaller gives you a fast, one-click access to accomplish the whole complex procedure.Clarify the whole uninstall processAlways shows a detailed uninstall log during the uninstallation.Operating SystemsCompatible with Windows8/8.1, Windows7, Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/ Vista32/ Vista64

What's new in version 3.0
  • Interface upgrades.
  • Fully compatible with Windows 8 / 8.1. / 10



OS: Windows XP / 2000 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Language: ENG
Medicine: Crack
Size: 10,06 / 15,53 MB.

Скачать | Download:
Site: https://uploads.to
Sharecode: /thr8is5pboig

Скачать | Download Portable:
Site: https://uploads.to
Sharecode: /vla114p31do8

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