Trellix GetSusp v5.5.0.23 Portable

Trellix GetSusp is intended for users who suspect undetected malware on their computer. GetSusp is recommended as a first tool of choice when analyzing a suspect computer.

GetSusp eliminates the need for deep technical knowledge of computer systems to isolate undetected malware. It does this by using a combination of heuristics and querying the Trellix Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) File Reputation database to gather suspicious files.

GetSusp is not a substitute for a full anti-virus protection, but a specialized tool to assist users when dealing with an infected system.

  • Delivered as a single executable file with no installation required
  • Option to run in several modes—GUI, command line and ePO mode
  • Scans URLs, Documents, PDFs in GUI mode
  • Option to select files before submitting to Trellix in GUI mode
  • Leverages GTI File Reputation to determine if the sample is suspicious
  • Records system and installed Trellix product information date of execution and details of suspected files


OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 / Server 2008 / 2012 /2016 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: FreeWare
Size: 5,84 MB.
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