PreSonus Studio One 7.1.1 Pro
Studio One contains everything you’d expect from a modern digital audio powerhouse. Once you touch its fast, flow-oriented, drag-and-drop interface, you’ll realize Studio One was built by creative people for creative music production.
At every step of the musical process, you’ll spend your time creating music instead of fighting a bloated interface. And the sound quality? Well, simply put, it’s unparalleled. In fact, the most common comments from musicians, producers and engineers who have switched to Studio One are “I can just get things done faster” and “Studio One just sounds better.” Let’s find out why.

At every step of the musical process, you’ll spend your time creating music instead of fighting a bloated interface. And the sound quality? Well, simply put, it’s unparalleled. In fact, the most common comments from musicians, producers and engineers who have switched to Studio One are “I can just get things done faster” and “Studio One just sounds better.” Let’s find out why.
- NEW! Available standalone or as part of a PreSonus Sphere membership
- NEW! Score View for traditional notation based on our award-winning Notion composition and notation software
- NEW! Perform live with Studio One! Use your recorded assets to bring your studio sound to the live show; play virtual amps live; sequence and re-arrange your Setlist all from the new Show Page
- NEW! Capture your entire console state and recall the entire mixer scenes or selectively recall Volume, Pan, Mute, Inserts, Sends, and more on any or every channel
- NEW! MPE/Poly Pressure support for advanced MIDI instruments
- NEW! Keyswitch support, editing, and mapping for virtual instruments.
- NEW! Completely redesigned Native Effects plugin suite
- NEW! MTC/MMC synchronization—sync Studio One with external clocks
- NEW! Clip Gain Envelopes. The perfect tool for correcting sections of audio that are either too loud or too soft, without adding a compressor or limiter plug-in.
- NEW! Melodyne Essential 5 integration
- NEW! Timestretch mode: Tape-Resample: a natural-sounding “tape-style” temp
- NEW! Marker Track Inspector. The Marker Track now features a marker list inside the Track Inspector that lets you navigate, rename, add, and delete markers in one convenient location.
- NEW! Aux Channels. Dust off that TX81Z! Your classic MIDI synths can now be incorporated into your digital productions as easily as virtual instruments.
- NEW! Independent Listen Bus. A dedicated Listen Bus adds new flexibility to the Studio One 5 console. Use the Listen Bus to provide a control room feed, independent of the main output, with its own level control, AFL/PFL solo, and insert slots.
- NEW! Recording and playback in 64-bit float WAV format. Studio One now supports recording in 64-bit floating-point WAV format. Max recording and processing precision now reaches 64-bit/384 kHz, making Studio One the highest resolution audio production and mastering software.

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OS: Windows 10 / 11 (x64)
Language: ML / ENG
Medicine: Keygen & Crack by R2R
Size: 144,60 MB.
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