EvlWatcher 2.1.62
It's basically a fail2ban for Windows. Its goals are also mainly what we love about fail2ban:
- pre-configured
- no-initial-fucking-around-with-scripts-or-config-files
- install-and-forget
- Scenario: there are those bad people out there, hammering your service (RDP and whatnot) with brute force attempts.
- You can see them and their IPs clearly in the Windows Event-Log.
- You have searched the web and yea, there are plenty of tools, scripts, and all that, to read the event-log and automatically ban the attackers IP.
- You however, are lazy. You need something like fail2ban, with a preconfigured set of rules to just RUN right away and it works.
- But then, it still needs enough flexibility for you to completely configure it, should you wish to do so.
- EvlWatcher does that. It scans the Windows-Event-Log, and reacts.
- It works by installing a service that scans the event log for unsuccessful login attempts. When one of its rules are violated (e.g. trying to log in without correct credentials, more than 5 times in 2 minutes), it will place that poor bastard into a generic firewall rule, and thereby ban the attacker for 2 hours.
- Also, when someone is repeatedly trying, there is a permanent ban list for that, where people defaultly land on when they've had three strikes.
- You can, of course, adjust the rules to your liking. They are basically a consisting of an event source, and a Regex to extract an IP, its pretty simple.
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OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: FreeWare
Size: 0,30 MB.
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