Abelssoft FolderVisualizer Plus 7.2 DC 01.02.2018 Retail

FolderVisualizer finds space wasting files and space intensive programs in seconds. This free programm analyses your hard disk and gives you an exact overview, which folder and files uses how much space. FolderVisualizer offers you even an overview for your portable hard drives.

Finds space wasting files within seconds
  • FolderVisualizer finds space wasting files and space intensive programs in seconds.
Shows statistics and charts about your disk drive
  • This tool analyzes your harddisks and shows you exactly, which files and folders occupy most of your space.
What is this file good for?
  • For some files and filetypes there additional information to help you decide for or against deleting the certain file.
Can analyze internal and external disk drives including USB sticks
  • Can analyze internal and external disk drives including USB sticks.

Your advantages in the Plus version
We're there for you
  • Free email support
Don't miss out
  • 6 months of free UpdateYeti updates and new versions



OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG / DEU
Medicine: Activated!
Size: 5,12 MB.
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