Bvckup 2.75.5

Bvckup — Simple fast backup. Select a pair of folders and Bvckup 2 will make sure that one stays an exact copy of the other. It is light, uncomplicated and really well designed. It is also incredibly fast.
What's different
Speed — Complete backups faster
- The app is very fast at bulk copying and it is even faster at updating.
- Extensively optimized across the board Bvckup 2 goes out of its way to process every backup as quickly as possible.
Focus — Do just one simple thing...
- The app does not compress, encrypt or FTP files. It's not a two-way sync nor is it a full system backup software.
- It does just one thing — it mirrors A to B.
Polish — ...and do it really well
- It's better to excel at one thing than to be average in many.
- From the nuanced user interface to the high-performance core, the app is built to always favor quality over quantity.
Real-time backups
- Continuously monitor for changes and back them up as soon as they happen.
Scheduled and manual
- Run backups at fixed time intervals or only when started manually.
Asynchronous I/O
- Eliminate idling during data transfers by having multiple read and write requests running in parallel.
Delta copying
- Reduce the amount of data being moved around by copying modified parts of files only. This speeds things up, in many cases dramatically.
Multi-core processing
- Speed things up by running computationally intensive tasks such as data hashing on all CPU cores, but scale back when computer is under load.
Move/rename detection
- Detect files and folders being moved at source and replicate this as a single quick operation on the backup side.
Destination snapshots
- Avoid re-scanning backup location on every run by scanning it once and saving its file index locally.
Device tracking
- Pin a backup to a specific removable device so that it will be run only when this device is present.
Backup of locked files
- Use Windows shadow copying to backup files that are locked for exclusive use by running programs such as web browsers
- or email clients.
System service mode
- Switch program to run as a system service to allow backups to continue running even when there's no one logged in.
Archiving of deleted items
- Move backup copies of deleted items into a special archive directory and delete them from there after a grace period.
Email reporting & alerts
- Set backups to dispatch an email alert with the summary and the logs upon each run's completion.
Very large backups
- Bvckup 2 has been tested with multi-million item backups and, while they naturally require a bit more memory for processing, they can still be handled with ease.
Concurrent or serialized
- The app can run backups one by one, forming a queue, or it can run them as soon as they are due, all at once. And, of course, a backup may also be started manually at any time.
Backup planner
- When running a backup, Bvckup 2 always compiles a formal backup plan that can be inspected without being executed if a «dry run» is required.
Native 64-bit support
- Installation package includes both 32- and 64-bit versions of the program, selecting an appropriate one to install automatically.
Minimal dependencies
- The app works with low-level Windows API and has no dependencies on WMI, COM or system services outside of shadow copying. It also stores all its configuration on disk, in a single directory.
Software update reminders
- In addition to being able to check for updates automatically, Bvckup 2 has an option to remind you to check for updates by hand.
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Patch
Size: 2,63 MB.
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