Interactive LiveMosaic 2.0 Build 35

Interactive LiveMosaic is an interactive application which lets you 'talk' with your mosaic. Well, not really talk but rather the mosaic will respond to your movements. The application interacts via an attached (web)cam. All the movements are instantaneously translated to a new mosaic. It can refresh the full mosaic, or just the parts where movement was detected. With Interactive LiveMosaic you can attract the attention of people. To invite them into your shop, or let them enjoy your coffee corner. Basically anything to attract people's attention.

Interactive means attraction
  • The Interactive LiveMosaics software is targeted to attract the attention of people. One of the best ways to attract attention is let people see something extraordinary, something that is considered funny, unique and a bit strange perhaps. But most of all… you have their attention. Interactive LiveMosaics uses a webcam to mirror people's movements in a realistic photo mosaic. The application is basically a giant screen with a mosaic that changes with every movement of people passing by.
Fun at the mosaic fair
  • Children have an excellent taste for what is nice. They see things that adult mortals don't, and they see fun where we adults don't see it. They see strange pictures moving when they swing their arms. In your shop window full with toys and sweets. Or games. Who cares. Children will find you. Parents and grandparents have trouble taking them away because this is great fun. Hey, what about a little message in some of the mosaic tiles?
Motion detection
  • Interactive LiveMosaics plays with motion. Your client's movements is the reason to look at the mosaic tiles. And to the attractive offers in your shop window. When no movement is detected for a second or two a (commercial) message can be shown, which disappears when movement is detected again. Each mosaic tile can also be a picture of the stuff you sell, or you want to draw their attention to.
Be unique and be seen
  • Interactive LiveMosaics can create that important little extra to have customers go to your shop, booth or whatever you want to use it for. You can even show little movies in between (commercials of 20 seconds?) and start with a new mosaic. Or have people guess the mosaic source picture. Or have people guess how many different messages are found in the tiles. They start counting, and guess what: 200 exactly. 'You sir over there: you have won your free icecream!

  • New release, teaser movie



OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG
Medicine: Keygen
Size: 1,12 MB.
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