WinRAR 7.10 Final | 7.11 Beta 1 | Portable | RePack by D!akov | RePack by elchupacabra | RePack by KpoJluk
WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.
WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well. WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries.
WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well. WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries.
- Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
- WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.
- WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.
- WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special «Wizard» mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.
- WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.
- WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.
- WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.
- Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.
- WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.
Features RePack by D!akov
Integrated set of additional themes:
- Type: Installation | Unpacking the portable version (by PortableAppZ).
- Languages: Russian | Ukrainian | English.
- Treatment: carried out.
- Cut: nothing.
- Optional: automatic selection of x64 | x86.
Integrated set of additional themes:
- General: aRRis, S Black_Blue, Crystal, iMode, KasualRAR, OrgRar, OS_X, Reality, Senary RAR, Tangov, Windows 7 Ultimate, WinRAR_Jr, WinRAR_AlphaDista, AquaWorld, Bucket, CodeHammer.
- If you have already installed any version of WinRAR or you will remove the old version but do not restart your PC (or processes explorer.exe) do it, otherwise errors may occur during the installation process.
RePack by elchupacabra
- Combined in one distribution installation (x86/x64) or unpack (x86+x64) portable (from the developer) version
- Combined in one distribution Russian and English versions (language selection during installation)
- No registration required (key)
- Works with any keys, including locked and homemade (patch the developments ADMIN@CRACK)
- Working with locked files (patch the developments ADMIN@CRACK)
- Themes in the program folder (patch on operating time ADMIN@CRACK)
- Ten possible design styles
- Six additional themes
- Small cleaning of distribution from «garbage» and optimization of settings
- If you are installing over previous versions, problem UNACEV2.DLL and it loader for Ace32Loader.exe for x64 associations with *will be deleted.aces are disabled and removed in the system registry.
- Ability to import settings from settings.reg (WinRAR.ini for portable version), user key pick-up rarreg.key, additional *.SFX modules, alternative rarlng language files.dll, automatically copy the contents of the Themes folder to the program folder, launch themes.exe (sfx-archive with themes).
- Of course, if all of the above is next to the installer.
RePack by KpoJluk
General information:
Implemented pickup of settings from the WinRAR5PREFS folder:
Command line options:
The /D=PATH parameter should be specified as the latest one
For example: WinRAR.v5.50.exe /S /IR /D=C:\MyProgram
- Type: installation; unpacking portable
- Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English
- Activation: CORE
Implemented pickup of settings from the WinRAR5PREFS folder:
- WinRAR settings — Settings.reg file You can get it by running the program and using command Options > Export parameters to file;
- WinRAR themes Extract to WinRAR5PREFS\Themes folder The structure will look like this: WinRAR5PREFS\Themes\Theme name\bmp, ico files and others.
- Design styles and localization — RarLng.dll file For advanced users who modify the interface with the resource editor
- Generated by keygen or purchased officially in your name or organization
Command line options:
- Silent installation of the Russian version: /S /IRU
- Quiet installation of the English version: /S /IEN
- Silent installation of the Ukrainian version: /S /IUA
- Unpacking the Russian portable version: /S /PRU
- Unpacking the English portable version: /S /PEN
- Unpacking the Ukrainian portable version: /S /PUA
- Select installation location: /D=PATH
The /D=PATH parameter should be specified as the latest one
For example: WinRAR.v5.50.exe /S /IR /D=C:\MyProgram
Homepage | Changelog
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (x64)
Language: ENG / RUS
Medicine: Keygen by FFF / by B4A / by CORE / by DFoX / Patch by B4A / by AdminCrack / Patch (For v7.xx) by BTCR
Size: 6,00 / 42,28 / 8,22 / 7,31 MB.
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Installer All Languages | Portable
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Reasons for raising the release:
Added Portable