NTWind WindowSpace 2.6.3

WindowSpace is a powerful desktop enhancement utility for large monitors, widescreens and multi-monitor systems. Too many open windows make the desktop messy! It affects your productivity as very soon you’ll find yourself hunting for windows, rather than doing the job. This is where WindowSpace can extend a helping hand.
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NTWind Sticky Previews 2.9 | Portable

Sticky Previews is a lightweight productivity tool that lets you create live previews of any window or a screen region of your choice. It keeps previews above all other applications like a sticky-note thus allowing you to monitor any background window in real time no matter which application you’re working with at the moment. It uses very little system resources for live previews and works on almost any PC or laptop.
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NTWind Visual Subst 5.9 | Portable

Visual Subst is a handy utility which allows you to associate the most accessed directories with virtual drives. It solves 3 main issues with the built-in 'subst' command: it seamlessly creates drives for elevated applications, adds editable drive labels and restores virtual drives after reboots. Also, Visual Subst makes it easier to create, edit and remove virtual drives in a GUI way.
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