10-Strike LANState Pro 10.21 | Portable

10-Strike LANState is a network mapping and monitoring software for networks. You can use the program for corporate Microsoft Windows network management and administration. LANState generates a network map, which speeds up accessing to remote hosts' properties and resources, and managing those. Scan your network, find hosts, place them on a network diagram, and monitor their state visually! The program exports network diagrams to graphic images, Microsoft Visio, and XML files.
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Bizagi Modeler

Bizagi Modeler - Intuitive and collaborative business process mapping software used by millions of people across the globe. Bizagi Modeler enables organizations to create and document business processes in a central cloud repository to gain a better understanding of each step and identify process improvement opportunities to increase organizational efficiency
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MadMapper 3.7.4

Adapted for various fields, such as architectural video projection, art installation, stage design and live show, MadMapper software made possible hundreds of projects around the globe by an incredibly active user community of Artists looking for a fast, powerful and user-friendly mapping software.
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