Maxprog FTP Disk 1.5.3

In order to maintain your Web site you surely need some kind of FTP software however not all the FTP tools available today seem to be designed with frequent uploading in mind. Indeed, they are not always as handy as they could or should be. Actually, they all seem to copy each others. Updating files on your server can be a repetitive and boring process, and in many cases it's more trouble than it's worth. It doesn't have to be that way, however, as FTP Disk makes this whole process much more intuitive.
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Key Metric SQL Backup Master 7.9.901.0 Standart | Pro | Site | Enterprise

SQL Backup Master backs up your SQL Server databases to any number of popular cloud storage services such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Box, Google Cloud Storage, Backblaze, Google Drive, and more. It can also back up databases to an FTP server — or a folder on your local machine, network server, or storage device.
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NetSarang Xmanager Power Suite 8.0.0006

Xmanager Enterprise is the complete network connectivity suite. It comes with a high performance PC X server that supports OpenGL (GLX) with 3D, secure terminal emulator, file transfer client and LPD printer server. 3D X applications run faster on Xmanager Enterprise 5 and provides secure access to remote terminal via SSH and TELNET, convenient transfer files via SFTP/FTP, and printing remote documents locally with LPD.
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FlashFXP | Portable

FlashFXP — a very good FTP-client that supports all types of connections, able to work through firewalls, and supports protocols for secure connections SSL / TSL. The program can import lists of sites from many popular FTP-client. There is a convenient feature — the list of pending tasks, which will resume unfinished downloads at any time. The program has the ability to automate downloading using command line parameters.
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