ExtraMAME 25.3 | Portable

ExtraMAME is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer. ExtraMAME is smaller and easier to use. It doesn't force you to fuss with difficult configurations and it's compatible with all M.A.M.E games.

How to play the games?
Run the game. Press «O» button and next press «K» button on your keybord if game is asked you (OK). Please wait for game loading. You not forget that for play the games in Arcade Machine you need to have coins? :) Press «5» button for insert coin. Press «5» again and again, not feel greed. Now press «1» button for one player and «2» button for two players. About additional commands and hot keys read in «Manual» section of «ExtraMAME».

The distribution includes the following games: Battle City, Super Mario Bros, Pacman Plus, Space Invaders II, Cosmic Avenger, Gridlee, Ice Climber, Pooyan, Robby Roto, Spiders and Poly-play. The rest of the games in the form of ROM-files you can download on the Internet.


OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 / 2k / 2k3 / 2k8 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Keygen by RadiXX11
Size: 0,27 MB.
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keygen no working(game no star), firewall block.
I just checked — everything works fine and I don’t even need to block anything in the firewall. Added an unpacked version.
Portable version also does not work.

Animação — Gifyu
Investigate the problem for yourself, everything works for me, games launch without problems and do not require entering a key.