Avast! Antivirus 25.2.9898 Free | Premium Security | Avast! Clear 25.2.9898 | RePack by xetrin
The Most Trusted Security — 220 million people choose AVAST to keep them safe online – more than any security company. avast! is the most trusted name in the antivirus industry, actively protecting more than 220 million people around the world. We’ve been protecting devices and data for over 25 years, in over 40 languages, on every populated continent.
Need more than that? Secure even your financial transactions Your money really deserves a solid level of protection against theft. With avast! SafeZone, you can set your favorite banking or shopping sites to automatically launch in a ‘virtual window’, to ensure that all of your sensitive financial transactions stay private. Perfect for auction sites, buying concert tickets, booking with hotels or airlines, online gaming, or any sort of monetary transfer, it now has a sleeker look and is super-easy to launch and use. And if that’s not enough… Increase your security by automatically updating other programs on your PC Hackers count on people to use outdated versions of such applications as browsers or PDF readers, so most virus and malware threats exploit security holes that newer versions fix. As it’s annoying but vital to update all those programs manually, Premier’s automatic Software Updater does it for you – to make sure you’re using the latest versions to close those security holes.
Need more than that? Secure even your financial transactions Your money really deserves a solid level of protection against theft. With avast! SafeZone, you can set your favorite banking or shopping sites to automatically launch in a ‘virtual window’, to ensure that all of your sensitive financial transactions stay private. Perfect for auction sites, buying concert tickets, booking with hotels or airlines, online gaming, or any sort of monetary transfer, it now has a sleeker look and is super-easy to launch and use. And if that’s not enough… Increase your security by automatically updating other programs on your PC Hackers count on people to use outdated versions of such applications as browsers or PDF readers, so most virus and malware threats exploit security holes that newer versions fix. As it’s annoying but vital to update all those programs manually, Premier’s automatic Software Updater does it for you – to make sure you’re using the latest versions to close those security holes.
Intelligent Antivirus
Anti-malware Protection
Silent Firewall
Automatic Software Updater
Data Shredder
- With new DynaGen technology
Anti-malware Protection
- Plus anti-spyware & anti-rootkit
- For secured payments & banking
Silent Firewall
- Against hacker attacks
- Against phishing & scam emails
Automatic Software Updater
- Keeps other programs updated
- Access your PC over the Internet
Data Shredder
- For a military-grade permanent data erasure
Key features
RePack by xetrin
Repack features:
Start keys in quiet mode:
Avast.Premium.Sequrity.v*.RePack.by.xetrin.exe /VERYSILENT
for /f «skip=2 tokens=2*» %%a in ('Reg Query «HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AVAST Antivirus» /v UninstallStringSilent 2^> nul') do start "" /wait %%b /VERYSILENT
- Medicine: Key until 10/14/2045.
- Nothing is cut.
- Installer language: Russian and English.
Start keys in quiet mode:
- Very silent installation: /VERYSILENT
Avast.Premium.Sequrity.v*.RePack.by.xetrin.exe /VERYSILENT
for /f «skip=2 tokens=2*» %%a in ('Reg Query «HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AVAST Antivirus» /v UninstallStringSilent 2^> nul') do start "" /wait %%b /VERYSILENT
Homepage | Changelog
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG / RUS
Medicine: License until 2038 for Premium Security / Patch for 23.x
Size: 1,43 MB.
Download Final Version From Homepage
Avast! Antivirus Free | Avast! Premium Security
Download Beta Version From Homepage
Avast! Antivirus Free | Avast! Premium Security | Avast! Clear
Download Avast! Clear From Homepage
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Reasons for raising the release:
Added RePack by xetrin
I see only enter activate number and login.
it was in the same place.
2) In the window that appears, press the «Menu» button
3) In the menu that opens, select “My subscriptions”
4) Now click on the «Enter a valid activation code» button
5) Next, a key entry window will appear, but we will activate using a license file, so click “Use license file”
6) Select the license file in Windows Explorer and click «Open»
7) Done
P.S. Added new License to the topic.
P.S. I had a couple of minutes of free time and went through a couple of sites and forums where this assembly was published. To be honest, there are a lot of complaints. How can I help you? — I don’t know… I would probably advise you to do the following: completely remove this assembly, install the official distribution and activate it with a Patch from the topic of this program. But you must understand that you do all your actions at your own peril and risk and under your own responsibility. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck.
02- Open This File In Notepad «C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.ics», And Add This Hosts:
# Avast Premium Security alpha-license-dealer.ff.avast.com alpha-rollout-service.ff.avast.com my-win.avast.com analytics.ff.avast.com
03- And Don't Update Avast Version
This Will Solve Your Problem
P.S. Archived video…
sorry, but the Repack-Link does not work.