Coati 0.10.0

Software developers spend up to 70 percent of their time figuring out how existing source code works, but common code editing tools offer little help for this task. Coati helps software engineers explore and navigate unknown source code quickly and thoroughly by combining an interactive graph visualization, a concise code view and a powerful search algorithm, all built into an easy-to-use cross-platform developer tool.

Index your Source Code
  • Coati's in-depth static analysis finds all definitions and references within your source files. You can choose from several methods for project setup.

Find any Symbol
  • Use Coati's search field to quickly find any symbol within the whole codebase. The fuzzy keyword matching gives you the best matches with just a few keystrokes.

Navigate Visually
  • The graph visualization provides a quick overview of any class, method, field, etc., and all its relations. The graph is fully interactive. Use it to move through the codebase by focusing on other nodes and edges.

Explore your Code
  • Finally the code view holds all implementation details of the element in focus within a well-arranged list of code snippets. Further inspect scopes and local variables, or focus on any other encountered reference or element.

Connect your Source Editor
  • Communicate via plugin between Coati and your favorite source editor. This allows for easy switching between writing and exploring. Have a look at our list of supported editors.



OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG
Medicine: Crack
Size: 22,63 MB.
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