UniCrypt 2016 2.2 by Ratiborus Portable

UniCrypth — Utility with a graphical user interface (GUI) for encoding and decoding all of your files. The utility does not compress the file, but you can pack your file with any archiver to save space. You can load any keyfiles with the extension «key», «jpg», «ico», or any other files. By default, the program uses the aes256.key, and in his absence the program uses the built-in key. When box is checked — overwrites all files, when decrypting — removes a file *.aes; and when encrypting — removed original.
Separate utility
- AESEncoder encodes selected files using a key from a file aes256.key. The original files are not deleted.
- AESDecoder restore selected files using a key from a file aes256.key. Restore all files with the extension * .aes all subfolders recursively. The encoded files are not deleted and restores are not overwritten.
- If there is no file in the folder aes256.key utilities, use the built-in Program key.
- If you run AESDecoder key / del encoded files will be deleted, and recovered overwritten. The program will run without a window, in a hidden form.
- Small changes to the interface.
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Free
Size: 1,51 MB.
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